
The German federal election 2021 took place under exceptional conditions, and unusual were its course and outcome, too . The election year was marked more than ever by crises, making expected management of future crises a relevant topic . Voting was complicated by the fact that the incumbent chancellor, Angela Merkel, did not run for re-election and that three candidates aspired to the chancellor’s office - both situations a novelty in Germany’s federal elections . Correspondingly high was the volatility: for a long time the CDU/CSU were clearly heading the polls, then in spring the Greens took over the lead, and in the end, quite unexpectedly, the SPD won the election . The decisive factor for the outcome was the search for a leading person or party who was most likely to be trusted to cope with the great challenges . The electorate took a decisive leap of faith in Olaf Scholz, who was experi- enced in dealing with the financial and pandemic crises . During the election campaign, Scholz consistently gained support, reinforced by serious communication failures of his opponents, Annalena Baerbock and Armin Laschet . Citizens were most likely to trust Scholz and his SPD to render the upcoming transformations in Germany socially acceptable - a motive that was more important for the voters than coping with the climate crisis and the Corona pandemic . The election result was closer than any other federal election, with the Greens and the FDP playing a key role in forming the government . In the end it was the decision of the FDP against the lackluster conservative party and in favor of a “traffic light” coalition with the SPD and the Greens - another novelty for a federal government .

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