
The article focuses on the problems of bullying. Legal and socio-psychological aspects are analyzed in order to further prevention and improvement of the methods counteracting this phenomenon. In particular, the stages of development of the problem are drawn, special attention is paid to research in which it is possible to develop a plan of action to prevent bullying in educational institutions. Bullying is one of the most uncertain and debatable definitions that needs further study. Systematic, regularly repeated violence (mostly psychological) is the main feature of bullying. Scientists D. Olveus, P. Randall, N. Duncanson and others have studied the problem of bullying. The article reveals the legal aspect of bullying, namely legal liability (administrative and criminal). The content of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine about Countering Bullying (Harassment)” of December 18, 2018 №2657-VIII and other regulations are analyzed. Methods to counter bullying such as the Farst, Link crew and the Finnish KiVa method are presented. Development of an action plan, aimed at preventing and combating bullying (harassment) in educational institutions, is among the ways of solution the problem. Thus, bullying is the worldwide problem. This problem is called socio-psychological which leads to destruction of the personal character. According to the authors, education from childhood is necessary. A person should know, already in his adolescence, that he can be prosecuted criminally or administratively for illegal actions. Bullying is violence, therefore science of law must be taught. This problem mustn`t be ignored because it could lead to irreparable consequences and ruin lives of many people. The authors note that it is impossible to eradicate bullying but it is possible to minimize such cases. Key words: bullying, participants of the educational process, violence, school aggression, preventing, offence.

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