
Generalizations of the Randall-Sundrum model containing a bulk scalar field $\Phi$ interacting with the curvature $R$ through the general coupling $R f(\Phi)$ are considered. We derive the general form of the effective 4D potential for the spin-zero fields and show that in the mass matrix the radion mixes with the Kaluza-Klein modes of the bulk scalar fluctuations. We demonstrate that it is possible to choose a non-trivial background form $\Phi_0(y)$ (where $y$ is the extra dimension coordinate) for the bulk scalar field such that the exact Randall-Sundrum metric is preserved (i.e. such that there is no back-reaction). We compute the mass matrix for the radion and the KK modes of the excitations of the bulk scalar relative to the background configuration $\Phi_0(y)$ and find that the resulting mass matrix implies a non-zero value for the mass of the radion (identified as the state with the lowest eigenvalue of the scalar mass matrix). We find that this mass is suppressed relative to the Planck scale by the standard warp factor needed to explain the hierarchy puzzle, implying that a mass $\sim 1\tev$ is a natural order of magnitude for the radion mass. The general considerations are illustrated in the case of a model containing an $R\Phi^2$ interaction term.

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