
In a literary synopsis we inform about eating addiction or binges already known in antiquity and differentiated as bulimos (fames bovina) respectively as kynorexia (fames canina), partially in a still true description. The syndrome, occurring increasingly since one decade, consists of periodically pathological and excessive devouring of food, mostly consecutive restrictive diet and/or vomiting, use of laxatives, depressivity, experience of shame and guilt s.o. At a prevalency of 5% of the (psychiatric) patients mainly women (95%) are concerned, showing a postpubertary begin of disease. In spite of certain connexions to the anorexia nervosa we have to define the bulimia as its counterpart. The different etiological conceptions suppose an epilepsy-like disorder, an attachment to the (endogenic) depression or the presumption of neuro-endocrine events. Largely it is applied to intra- and interpsychical neurotic conflictuality, though actually behavioristical aspects seem to be preferred. The therapeutic intentions comprise anticonvulsives and antidepressives in view of medicamentous treatment; the psychical treatment comprises psychoanalysis, outpatient and inpatient clinical psychotherapy and all actually usual methods up to self-help groups.

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