
Since 2012, in compliance with the changes in the European legislation, the Bulgarian Drug Agency (BDA) has been receiving adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports directly from patients as well as from healthcare professionals and marketing authorization holders (MAH). Adverse reaction reports from patients and consumers have different characteristics from those sent by healthcare professionals. Moreover, they may require specific algorithm and assessment methods in order to be informative and beneficial to the pharmacovigilance system. The study aims to analyze the data-base of consumer reports in Bulgaria in order to distinguish and classify the main characteristics of the ADR reports from non-healthcare professionals. In-depth analysis of the Bulgarian data-base of consumer ADR reports for 2012-2016 was conducted. The criteria include patient demographic characteristics, preferred method of reporting, seriousness and expectedness criteria and most frequently reported pharmacological groups. The data showed the current trends in patient reporting in the country. It also marked new courses for development of the spontaneous reporting system and collection of safety data. The analysis of the data-base showed a rather stable level of patient reporting with a tendency for constant growth every year. Bulgaria follows the world tendencies for high number of reports for insufficiently studied ADRs which meet the seriousness criteria. The review of the most frequently reported ATC codes could lead to the conclusion that the current pharmacovigi-lance methods are not sensitive enough for specific groups of medicines. The results from the conducted study confirm the importance of patient reporting as a valuable source of information on adverse drug reactions. Moreover, it draws the attention to the lack of more sensitive methods for evaluation of drug safety in specific pharmacological groups. Maintenance of consumer-friendly ADR reporting system and innovative assessment algorithms should be the future directions for development in post-marketing surveillance.

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