
An improved method of treating Lilium cultivars ‘Enchantment’ and ‘Harmony’ with the growth regulators Ancymidol, CCC, and Ethrel is described. When bulbs were treated, prior to planting, by immersing them for 12 h in aqueous solutions of the growth regulators, shoot elongation was more effectively inhibited than when the chemicals were applied as soil drenches. Ancymidol was the most potent inhibitor of stem elongation. Although Ethrel effectively inhibited stem growth during the first treatment season, it resulted in increased elongation of the renewal shoots. Ethrel interfered with apical meristematic activity, and induced early flower senescence. The inhibitory effects of a single bulb-dip with Ancymidol and CCC were evident on the growth of the renewal shoots in the following non-treatment season. The bulb-dip procedure offers several advantages: chemicals can be applied effectively at a much earlier development stage of the shoot; more effective control of shoot elongation is possible; significant control of shoot elongation may be obtained with lower concentrations of a growth regulator; one application of the growth regulator affected growth of the current season's shoot and also the growth of the renewal shoot in the following season; bulbs may be pretreated for use either as pot plants or for landscaping; chemically pretreated bulbs can be readily packaged and distributed without further chemical treatments being required.

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