
The purpose of this paper is to find out whether the storybook or the Kancil fairy tale influences the imitating behavior of the Sunggal 41 ABA 41 Kindergarten students and sees how storytellers are very influential in conveying the message content of a story. This research method uses descriptive, which is taking a problem or focusing on actual problems as they were at the time the research was conducted. The description in this study was to see the imitating behavior of the Sunggal 41 ABA Kindergarten students. The results of the study found that fairy tales or stories of the Kancil can enrich knowledge by recognizing various types of animals that are used as characters in a story or fairy tale or in increasing children's understanding of good and bad things. Children who tend to not be able to focus on one thing / object in a certain period of time are challenges and homework that the teacher must overcome when telling stories / storytelling. Short time and schedule of storytelling / storytelling activities obtained at school are not enough to-create-imitating-behaviors-of-children.


  • The purpose of this paper is to find out whether the storybook or the Kancil fairy tale influences the imitating behavior of the Sunggal 41 Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) 41 Kindergarten students and sees how storytellers are very influential in conveying the message content of a story

  • This research method uses descriptive, which is taking a problem or focusing on actual problems as they were at the time the research was conducted

  • The results of the study found that fairy tales or stories of the Kancil can enrich knowledge by recognizing various types of animals that are used as characters in a story or fairy tale or in increasing children's understanding of good and bad things

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Penelitian dilapangan dilakukan langsung oleh peneliti dibantu dengan guru dalam mengamati perhatian dan perilaku anak saat mendengarkan cerita atau dongeng. Peneliti bertindak langsung sebagai pendongeng yang menyampaikan isi cerita kepada anak didik. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk memahami secara jelas karakter anak dan sebagai upaya dalam memperoleh hasil penelitian yang dirangkum peneliti melalui rangkaianrangkaian pertanyaan yang menyenangkan seputar isi cerita atau dongeng, namun tetap berpedoman pada panduan wawancara. Metode tersebut mempermudah peneliti memperoleh data yang dibutuhkan tanpa disadari oleh narasumber / anak didik itu sendiri. Adapun proses dan hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan dapat dilihat dalam tabel berikut: Aspek Metode Media yang digunakan Indikator

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