
This journal explains Bukhoor and the Sunnah of Rasulullah: the implementation of Islamic values in the traditions of Middle Eastern society. Bukhoor is a fragrant fragrance and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Bukhoor is a Middle Eastern tradition performed every year in Saudi Arabia. This research aims to understand the implementation of Islamic values in the traditions of Middle Eastern society. This type of research is qualitative, using interview guidelines, namely observation, documentation, and interviews. The source or origin of this research data is the results of interviews with several ustadz or students who applied it. The results of this research are that burning or implementing bukhoor often occurs in daily life or at recitations and majlis by ustadz or ustadzah, Islamic students. They often implement bukhoor when they are stressed and burning it can make them sleep more soundly, the time for burning bukhoor is usually on Friday night during the grand dhikr which is carried out because of the initiative of the teacher council at Dayah Raudhatul Jannah, because Friday night is a blessed night and bukhoor is the sunnah of Rasulullah, therefore they burned it. Researchers hope for further references or insights for readers as well as suggestions and criticism that can influence this research. The conclusion from this research is that there is an ayah in the Dayah Raudhatul Jannah which implements bukhoor whether in daily life or at majlis

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