
Occurrence nets are a well known partial order model for the concurrent behavior of Petri nets. The causality and conflict relations between events, which are explicitly represented in occurrence nets, induce logical dependencies between event occurrences: the occurrence of an event e in a run implies that all its causal predecessors also occur, and that no event in conflict with e occurs. But these structural relations do not express all the logical dependencies between event occurrences in maximal runs: in particular, the occurrence of e in any maximal run may imply the occurrence of another event that is not a causal predecessor of e, in that run. The reveals relation has been introduced to express this dependency between two events. Here we generalize the reveals relation to express more general dependencies, involving more than two events, and we introduce ERL logic to express them as boolean formulas. Finally we answer the synthesis problem that arises: given an ERL formula , is there an occurrence net N such that phi describes exactly the dependencies between the events of N?

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