
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic revealed the vulnerability of the tourism industry, triggering a call for a structural shift. This study focuses on COVID-19 impacts on primate tourism sites using the resilience-based wildlife tourism study of Jones etal. (2023) as an interpretive framework. Using an online survey, we collected data on impacts, changes, and challenges experienced at primate tourism destinations in various parts of the world. Based on 33 responses, the study found that the most profound impacts were financial, compromising the ability to run facilities and facilitate tourism due mainly to limitation of access to sites for tourists and/or staff/researchers. Seventeen respondents reported that their sites did not make substantial changes in response to the pandemic. This warrants further study to elicit the reasons for the lack of response. It may indicate difficulties in adaptation or implementation due to limited resources or other factors amid COVID-19 pandemic. We suggest that the framework proposed by Jones etal. (2023) has limitations in effectively addressing rapid and extensive repercussions of a disruption such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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