
This paper aims at establishing a model in OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tool) simulator for the University of Mosul computer network. The proposed network model was made up of two routers (Cisco 2600), core switch (Cisco6509), two servers, ip 32 cloud and 37 VLANs. These VLANs were connected to the core switch using fiber optic cables (1000BaseX). Three applications were added to test the network model. These applications were FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). The results showed that the proposed model had a positive efficiency on designing and managing the targeted network and can be used to view the data flow in it. Also, the simulation results showed that the maximum number of VoIP service users could be raised up to 5000 users when working under IP Telephony. This means that the ability to utilize VoIP service in this network can be maintained and is better when subjected to IP telephony scheme

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