
This paper seeks to highlight the importance of intercultural competence in language learning and teaching. All intercultural encounters incorporate communication between individuals who, rather than belonging to only one culture, belong to a diverse array of different cultures at the same time. They share some of these cultures with the people they are talking to, and some of them they do not. And some of these cultural variations and affinities will influence the way they communicate, and some of them will be totally insignificant.


  • Intercultural knowledge has become an integral constituent of effective language learning and teaching through the expansion of cultural and societal horizons, and the cultivation of global knowledge and engagement

  • Successful intercultural language learning develops individuals who acknowledge the limitations of their own perspectives and remain open to the differing perspectives of others

  • Intercultural encounters create entirely new social situations, and since the rules necessary to govern intercultural encounters do not yet exist, they can only be created through a communication process in which all individuals are given equal opportunities to participate

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Building Intercultural Competence through Language Education

Összefoglaló A tanulmány elsősorban az interkulturális kompetencia fontosságát hangsúlyozza az idegenyelvoktatásban. Hogy a megfelelő interkulturális kompetencia lehetőséget kínál a helyes döntések meghozatalához az eltérő kultúrával rendelkező egyének számára. Hogy minden interkulturális kommunikáció alapvető követelménye a kontextusérzékeny, kultúraspecifikus tudás és a valódi humanista látásmód. Kulcsszavak: interkulturális kompetencia, nyelvtanulás, kultúra, emocionális és kulturális intelligencia

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