
Focal Area(s): Predictive modeling through the use of AI techniques and AI-derived model components; the use of AI and other tools to design a prediction system comprising of a hierarchy of models (e.g., AI-driven model/component/parameterization selection). Science Challenge: Watershed processes, such as the fate and transport of sediment, carbon and nutrients across landscapes and their fluxes to water bodies (e.g., streams, rivers and lakes), have important implications for global and regional carbon and nutrient dynamics, biogeochemical functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, and soil functions. The magnitude of lateral surface/subsurface transport and fluxes of sediment, carbon and nutrients are key factors controlling the vulnerability of watersheds to climate extremes such as droughts, wildfires, and floods. Recent field observations and other scientific evidence suggest that the magnitudes of lateral transport and fluxes of sediment, carbon and nutrients are governed primarily by the spatial and vertical heterogeneity of landscape and soil properties and by pedogenic processes. However, the current generation of land surface and watershed models do not mechanistically couple the terrestrial and hydrologic systems, nor do they represent sufficiently the spatial and vertical heterogeneity of land surface and subsurface properties. On the other hand, increasing complexity of coupled watershed and land surface models requires more data to parameterize, calibrate and validate. Remote sensing (RS) provides a means to acquire spatial data and characterize their heterogeneity at the watershed scale, overcoming a major limitation associated with conventional point measurements. To improve the representation of land-surface and surface/subsurface process coupling and sub-grid heterogeneity in watershed models, it is essential to build our predictive understanding by learning from both the multi-scale multi-process modeling and diverse multi-scale data while leveraging powerful artificial intelligence (AI) techniques.

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