
The Brotherhood of SH Terate (PSHT) and Brotherhood of SH Tunas Muda Winongo(PSHTW) is a martial art with noble teaching values ​​derived from the heritage of the Indonesian people that we must develop and we preserve to produce qualified cadres, who can be a good example in organizing, behaving, behaving in the life of the nation and state. So the community of identity conflicts claim each other the truth of the most original ideology SH carrier that often occurs in the Faithful Heart of Terate brotherhood and the Faithful Brotherhood of Tunas Muda Winongo will not happen again. As the results of the research that we have done, to prevent the problem from spreading, through the hard work of the Government, Security Apparatus, Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, Leaders of the Brotherhood of Terate and Brotherhood SH Winongo has formed a social institution which is a pattern that emerges as a consequence of individuals living together. When an individual faces a shared problem, a standard and guideline is made on how to behave, Horton and Hunt state that an institution is a norm system to achieve a goal or activity that is seen as important, or formally, a set of habits and behavior revolves around a basic human activity (Horton, Paul B., Chester L. Hunt, 1996: 244). Soerjono Soekanto then gave the closest understanding of social institutionsas a social institution. As conveyed by Koentjaraningrat regarding social institutions, social institutions are expected to be more responsive and able to anticipate various social problems. In particular, social institutions with the strength of their social capital will encourage the development of the response of the local community to the problems that arise from the development of increasingly complex social changes. This was also stated by Nuryana that social capital was able to provide a variety of positive outcomes for the interests of institutions and social groups (Nuryana, 2002: 23). Subsequently through solidarity and socialization in the formation of personalities and optimization of monitoring and communication with PSH social groups Winongo's Terate and PSHT are expected to aim to strengthen social resilience of the community through the coaching of SHs to create harmony and commitment together in harmony, safe, comfortable, peaceful and peaceful in HARKATIBMAS. Specific objectives of this study Describe the process of socialization in personality formation, describe the mechanism of monitoring and evaluation and describe the development of the application of the teaching values ​​of PSH Terate and PSHT Winongo to social groups. This research was conducted in Magetan Regency, Madiun Regency and Madiun City while the sampling was taken by purposive sampling method. The data obtained is analyzed using Interactive methods through data reduction, data presentation and data verification. In line with the Merdeka Madiun University Strategic Plan in producing findings / methods / theories / policies, especially in the field of Applied University Research based on findings-based strategic plans to produce invasions, both methods, new theories or new policies that have never existed before, then targeted outcomes are, Journal Publications, National Seminars, ISBN and Copyright Textbooks. Keywords : social groups, socialization, solidarity, communication, social security DOI : 10.7176/PPAR/9-6-11 Publication date :June 30 th 2019


  • Madiun City is an area located in East Java Province, in this area there is preservation of famous traditional culture to foreign countries, the culture is known as Penca Silat

  • Organization was founded in 1922 by ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo under the name Pencak Sport Club (PSC ) that teaches kanuragan, with the development of time and the name of the college Pencak Sport Club is replaced by the name Setia Hati Terate College (PSHT)

  • Results of the Sarah Rinanty Ferbi Research Report entitled Social Solidarity of the Brotherhood Pencak Silat CommunitySetiaHati Terate (PSHT) shows that the Pencak Silat Faithful Heart of Terate Brotherhood (PSHT) that still survives today is inseparable from the role of the PSHT rayon Rejosari organization by introducing PSHT to the wider community through the pencak silat championship, maintaining the quality of learning and not changing the distinctiveness of the PSHT which is famous for its thick brotherhood

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Madiun City is an area located in East Java Province, in this area there is preservation of famous traditional culture to foreign countries, the culture is known as Penca Silat. The Pencak Silat College which developed in Madiun which is very well-known both nationally and internationally and is the largest Pencak Silat College in Indonesia is the Faithful Heart of Terate Pencak Silat College and the Tunas Muda Winongo Faithful Pencak Silat College. In 1915 after Ki Ageng Soerodiwiryo moved to the city of Madiun, he founded the Djojo Gendilo Tjipto Mulyo College which was later renamed This Brotherhood of Faith, abbreviated as SH, is the forerunner to the founding of the Faithful Heart of Terate Brotherhood and the Tunas Muda Winongo Faithful Brotherhood. Organization was founded in 1922 by ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo under the name Pencak Sport Club (PSC ) that teaches kanuragan, with the development of time and the name of the college Pencak Sport Club is replaced by the name Setia Hati Terate College (PSHT). Solidarity or cooperation carried out by community members and residents and brothers of PSH Terate and PSH Winongo arose from activities carried out in the community such as community service activities, public lectures by inviting religious leaders, during religious festivities, social services to orphanages, nursing homes for elderly people and surrounding communities who are considered less capable and need help and do not miss PSH Terate residents and PSH Winongo always provides information about values the great teachings of PSH Terate and PSH Winongo that are very good to be applied in the community as a form of social interaction between the community and the community to create a good pattern of communication between the community and PSH Terate and PSH Winongo, generation of character so that they can resolve conflict

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