
Consistent implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to high-quality care, improved patient outcomes, and reduced costs. Increased job satisfaction, decreased turnover, and increased autonomy are reported when nurses use evidence for practice decisions. It is essential that clinical nurse specialists have strong EBP skills and enculturate these skills into bedside staff. Interactive 90-minute workshops were developed to review the steps of EBP. The participants were nurses at the bedside and were encouraged to cultivate a spirit of inquiry. Twenty-three workshops were held with 349 participants. Pre and post surveys were used to assess changes in knowledge and self-perceived confidence. A moderate to large effect size was noted in all areas measured. The largest change in knowledge was in correct identification of use of Boolean operators, which showed a 71% improvement. Overall mean knowledge improved by 29%, which was statistically significant (P < .0001). Clinical nurse specialists can enact culture change by understanding the needs of their stakeholders and applying concepts to find creative ways to bring change to staff. This workshop successfully taught EBP concepts and implemented culture change in a way that was low cost and easy to replicate.

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