
<p>社區幹部訓練是社區發展工作的實務課題。幹部參訓是否能促成個人能力、組織與社區能力的提升,並非理所當然,而是需要系統地安排以促進知識轉換。本行動研究,納入成人學習理論,進行實務性、團隊建立、行動導向與永續發展等面向的培力行動設計,在2016-2020年間於彰化縣持續,有來自190社區的509位社區幹部參與。本文為專業社區培力的行動研究,闡析行動者解決社區培力五個面向的課題:符合成人學習心理的培力設計;形成實務取向的培力內涵;社區團隊取向的設計;行動應用取向的設計;永續取向的培力等。研究分析,以方案構思與執行記錄、學員回饋及社區後續服務情形為材料,經分析已得到初步驗證。為社區團隊建立、培力實務議題,已提供部分解方及啟示。</p> <p> </p><p>Community capacity building is a welcomed concept in community empowerment yet the training design which leads to action-oriented teams is seldom discussed with practical details. This action research was deliberated on community cadres training program design, which aimed at community team building for local welfare services. From 2016 to 2020, 509 community cadres participated in the training project from 190 communities. This action research originated the five-dimension frame to organize the training project and was successfully developed and performed through the years. The five dimensions are the adult-learner-centered design, the practical problem-solving aspect, team-oriented and sustainable development. The researcher explains in detail how to fulfill the above five dimensions in a half-year training program. Data from program records, the trainee’s feedback, and follow-up service plans in communities were applied for evaluation. Results show the program has provided practical solutions for community empowerment and service team building.</p> <p> </p>

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