
The results of the production of wall ceramics based on the composition of low-melting argillaceous raw materials - loam and fuel slag in an amount of 10-30% by the method of semi-dry pressing are presented. Pre-baking and calcining properties of clay materials are investigated, the results of x-ray diffraction analysis and differential thermal analysis of the raw materials are given. The results obtained by the method of mathematical planning of the experiment made it possible to develop a model of ceramic bricks of the racial composition, to construct empirical dependencies in the system «technogenic product-technological factor-property» and to establish the influence of the addition of fuel slag on the basic physical and mechanical properties of wall ceramics: strength, density, water absorption , shrinkage. The results of studies of the modifying role of the container glass in the processes of pyrogenic synthesis of clay-slag masses and its effect on the preparation of a ceramic shard of a racial composition with the required properties are shown.

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