
The capstone course for many Earth Science programs is a field course. To increase accessibility and to create a substitute in light of the cancellation of in-person courses due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we developed an online introductory field geology course. The course consisted of six different modules. The first was a virtual reality room, with 3-D rendered outcrops, designed to teach notebook skills and establish an effective learning community. This was followed by a module that taught orienteering and map datums. The third module taught field structural geology and utilized 3-D printed blocks and compasses sent to the participants. The next module consisted of a virtual field site in Google Earth built using a combination of videos, air photos, still photos, and hand samples sent to participants. These tools, along with provided structural measurements, were used by students to create a geologic map. The fifth module introduced core logging to students, a topic rarely covered in field mapping courses but nevertheless a critical skill for students pursuing a career in the mining and related industries. The final module introduced detailed geologic mapping, such as that done in pit, trench, or underground tunnel mapping. We assessed the success of these techniques in meeting the learning objectives using a combination of instructors’ observations, targeted rubrics, and two student feedback forms. While the course was generally deemed effective at meeting the learning objectives, some important potential improvements were identified, such as the addition of a group assignment using geologic maps at the beginning of the course. This additional module will give students an important background in geologic maps and encourage groupwork and idea sharing. Equipped with these skills, they will be better prepared and remain engaged for the remainder of the course.

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