
Abstract The Semiconductor Industry has followed “Moore's Law” for more than five decades and has made remarkable progress by continuously shrinking features sizes. However, meeting today's and future market requirements, such as shorter development times, lower up-front cost, lower unit cost, many more gates and pins in even smaller form-factors, integration of heterogeneous functions (logic, memory, analog, RF, MEMS, sensors, optical and others) and higher performance per Watt is becoming much more challenging. These requirements call for advanced IC packaging technologies to enable continued semiconductor revenue and profit growth. In addition to IC packaging-specific expertise and development resources, very close cooperation with knowledgeable partners across all planning, design and manufacturing steps is needed, to create cost-effective and reliable electronic components, sub-systems, even entire systems in a package. This paper analyzes why and where advanced IC packaging technologies are needed and suggests steps for developing Assembly Design Kits (ADKs) and Reference Design Flows, and other essential elements for building a strong “More than Moore”-focused semiconductor EcoSystem.

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