
Putting renewable energy to good use is necessary to deal with one of the greatest challenges of our time, namely, climate change. One problem, however, is that the technology we are using today turns into toxic waste at the end of its useful life, which in particular concerns the blades of wind turbines. We investigated how the ideas of a circular economy can be applied to address this issue. To this end, we built a small wind turbine almost entirely from used materials. The social purpose of this is to raise public awareness about renewable energy technology that is part of a circular economy. Therefore, we chose a reliable and easy-to-build concept for a small wind turbine, which can be reproduced in a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) approach. The core challenges we had to face consisted of how to acquire appropriate used materials and how to improve the efficiency of the system to obtain adequate electrical power. With a financial investment of less than €100, we built a Savonius wind turbine for use in, for example, a private garden to charge a power bank or other USB-chargeable devices.


  • The expansion of wind energy use is an essential part of reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement [1]

  • The goal was to demonstrate that a Savonius wind turbine can be mAde from used mAterial in a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) approach to raise public awareness for renewable energy technology in a circular economy

  • The average electricity price in 2019 in Germany is €30.85/kWh [30]. This very optimistic contemplation illustrates that the focus of this study is an educational tool for sensitizing the public to renewable energy in a circular economy and not replacing large-scale wind turbines

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The expansion of wind energy use is an essential part of reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement [1]. The goal was to demonstrate that a Savonius wind turbine can be mAde from used mAterial in a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) approach to raise public awareness for renewable energy technology in a circular economy. This type of wind turbine is easy to mAintain, and its components can be reused and recycled after its useful life [15]. WWiitthh tthhiiss eexxppeerriimmeenntt,, wwee hhaavvee pprroovveedd tthhaatt iitt iiss ppoossssiibbllee ttoo bbuuiilldd aa SSaavvoonniiuuss wwiinndd ttuurrbbiinnee ffrroomm aallmmoosstt oonnllyy ssccrraapp mmAatteerriiaallss..TTaabbllee 11 ddiissppllaayyss tthhee uusseedd mmAatteerriiaallss,,tthheeppllaacceeooff pprrooccuurreemmeenntt,, aanndd tthhee price. The rotating parts are out of reach of playing children

The Rotor
Electrical Components
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