
An individual Human computer interference system is being introduced. In olden times, as an input device the mouse and keyboard were used by human computer interference system. Those people who are suffering from certain disease or illness cannot be able to operate computers. The idea of controlling the computers with the eyes will serve a great use for handicapped and disabled person. Also this type of control will eliminate the help required by other person to handle the computer. This measure will be the most useful for the person who is without hands through which they can operate with the help of their eye movements. The movement of the cursor is directly associated with the center of the pupil. Implementing a controlling system in it enables them to move without the help of another person is very helpful. First detect pupil center position of eye. Then the different variation on pupil position different command set for virtual keyboard. The signals pass the driver to interface with virtual keyboard itself. The driver will control both speed and direction to enable virtual keyboard to move forward, left, right and stop. Key Words: Human computer interference, Keyboard, Mouse, Eye, Cursor, pupil.

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