
Information is a key element in this local logistic system, which goes through the whole process of logistics. The General Logistic System can only turn into a real modern one when the information is collected, processed, analyzed and integrated in an efficient and timely way. There is an urgent need to build a Common Logistic Information System, a sub-system of the logistic system in Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi, to achieve the transfer and sharing of logistic information on the local logistic information platform. This study begins with the interrelation of the local logistics and local economy and analyzes the current situation and trend of logistics and logistic information system of Guangxi Province. Based upon the function location of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi, the authors present the building objective and building principle of the Common Logistic Information Systems in Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi. Further, the authors propose the Conceptual Model of Common Logistic Information Systems in Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi, including the Model of Space Layer Layout according to different functions; the authors describe the model of system structure of the Common Logistic Information Systems in Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi and the function model for this system's functions. This conceptual model will provide a necessary framework for the construction of the Common Information Systems in Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi.

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