
The overall aim of this project is to sort and structure the plant name material gathered by Mohamed Farah, PhD, in order to update the substance register of the international database of adverse drug reactions, the International Drug Information System (INTDIS). This database is used within the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Drug Monitoring Programme, which for more than 30 years has collected information about adverse drug reactions (ADRs). In recent years, it has become necessary to store information about herbal medicinal remedies as well as allopathic drugs. In order to create a structure that allowed for easy retrieval, a set of new herbal serial numbers have been assigned, which indicate mother plant, part, and type of extract used for each herbal substance; and the register was designed to contain records of scientific, vernacular and common name synonyms, which were identified as such. The system was built in a local PC environment and was implemented into INTDIS during the fall of 2001.

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