
Research Objectives:
 - Building a battery to test the combinatorial abilities of football players aged 13-15 years for sports academies in the Raparin administration.
 The researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey and correlational methods. The research community was identified from football academies players aged 13-15 years in the Raparin administration, which numbered (10) academies. Rania - Raparin Academy - Hiwa Academy) as they represent 50% of the total community, and 188 players were chosen in an intentional way as the sample of the research, and after obtaining the results, they were discussed in a scientific manner supported by the sources to achieve the goal of the research, and in light of the results of the research, the researchers reached the following conclusions:
 Acceptance of the factors that emerged through the following candidate tests:
 The ability to direct movement (the first factor) - the ability to balance movement (the second factor)
 The ability to respond to motor (factor III) - ability to rhythmic movement (factor IV)
 - The ability to estimate the situation (factor V) - The ability to link motor (factor VIII)
 Building a battery of tests of the following extracted harmonic abilities:
 Passing the various obstacles (the first factor) - the modified mobile balance (the second factor)
 - Nelson's motor response (factor III) - running and spinning around the five points (factor IV)
 Walking with eyes closed (factor V) - receiving, then running, then passing (factor VIII)
 The researchers recommended the following:
 - Using the extracted tests as an exercise to develop the players' abilities - Conducting similar studies for the various activities.

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