
Green buildings are expected to integrate renewable energy technologies to buildings. Therefore, builders (construction firms) are expected to handle innovative technologies' integration during the construction project process. Meeting the stakeholders' expectations in an effective manner within the integrated project delivery environment is challenging. The required process expertise is beyond the traditional MEP process expertise. These technologies comprise clean energy technologies such as solar, wind, hydrogen (fuel cells, biomass), bio-energy, geothermal and waste treatment to energy technologies for wide range of wastes such as municipal, industrial, bio-hazard and many other types. The paper explores the expected qualifications - in regards to innovative green technologies' integration process to buildings - from construction firms during pre-construction, construction and post-construction phases. The new qualifications such as developing skills in life cycle cost analysis, taking initiative in BIM applications, managing knowledge driven commissioning process and acquiring knowledge in post-occupancy evaluation define the new roles for construction firms in innovative green technology integration process in building construction.

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