
One of the most important but difficult optimization problems concerns the optimal allocation of buffers in a production system (line) with stochastic inputs and outputs. The buffer allocation problem is a non-linear problem with integer variables and there exists no closed-form solution for the objective function. The optimization of production lines performance is a problem of great complexity and, therefore, of significant research interest. The problem may involve the optimization of many conflicting objectives, such as increasing throughput and reducing work-in-process time. The majority of existing studies have used various heuristics and search methods based on operations research. These methods have been proved to be computationally inefficient, especially for large production lines. This paper presents ASBA2, a knowledge based system that determines near optimal buffer allocation plans, with the objective of maximising production lines throughput. The allocation plan is calculated subject to a given amount of total buffer slots, in a computationally efficient way. ASBA2 operates in close cooperation with a simulation method, which provides ASBA2 with performance measures concerning production line behaviour. Moreover, to evaluate results provided by ASBA2, we have utilized an exact numerical algorithm for calculating the throughput of unreliable production lines.

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