
The student disengagement is closely related to early school dropout and its educational, social and labour consequences. The measures and programs aiming to counteract this problem are diverse. This paper offers an overview of those good practices that are documented in the research literature. To do so, it has been made a literature revision of research from the last decade about programs and measures to relieve the school dropout. The results shown cultivating a respectful and caring atmosphere, a relevant and meaningful curriculum, student-centered teaching practices, a close relationship with other organizations in the community, the professional coordination a collaboration as well as program, timetables, spaces and organizational flexibility are, among others, some promising practices for working with disengaged and at-risk students. Knowledge about quality features of reengagement programs that are documented by the research as successful at favoring the persistence and preventing school dropout are a reference to analyze the current programs and their implementation, and to suggest improvements aimed to modify established routines that lie at the root of school disengagement.

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