
Padang Jaya Village is a village located in the Padang Jaya District, North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Padang Jaya Village is a Village With the majority of community work dominated by farmers or planters, Padang Jaya Village has various potential natural resource wealth, one of the potentials that can be empowered is freshwater fish farming. In order to increase economic value and reduce unemployment, Padang Jaya Village also has a role which is very strategic in terms of providing fish resources and freshwater fish productivity land. However, fish farmers in Padang Jaya Village are currently still using conventional technology where they do fish farming in earthen ponds with large areas of land and Some pond locations are located far from home, besides that in Padang Jaya Village when heavy rains fall there are often floods that cause, there are pond ripens that break so that fish in the pond are carried away by the current causes losses to farmers, especially in fish that are large or ready to be harvested. In order to help solve the problems of fish farmers in Padang Jaya Village, community service activities were carried out by providing counseling on catfish farming in round tarpaulin ponds in Padang Kaya Village, Padang Jaya District, North Bengkulu Regency. Knowledge of techniques or how to cultivate catfish in round tarpaulin ponds and understand the use of tarpaulin ponds as an alternative to increasing additional income in limited land conditions in this case in the yard of the house, besides that farmed fish are easy to control, free from flooding and easy water treatment and fish farmers in Padang Jaya Village get additional income through the sale of farmed catfish. . With the right understanding and ability to do fish farming in round tarpaulin ponds as a form of contribution to increase income generation and have an impact on improving the welfare of the community in Padang Jaya, Padang Jaya District.

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