
Mobile crowdsensing, through which a requester can coordinate a crowd of workers to complete some sensing tasks, has attracted significant attention recently. In this paper, we focus on the unknown worker recruitment problem in mobile crowdsensing, where workers' sensing qualities are unknown a priori. We consider the scenario of recruiting workers to complete some continuous sensing tasks. In each round, every task may be covered by more than one recruited workers, but its completion quality only depends on these workers' maximum sensing quality. Our objective is to determine a recruiting strategy to maximize the total weighted completion quality under a limited budget. We model such unknown worker recruitment process as a novel combinatorial multi-armed bandit problem, and propose an unknown worker recruitment algorithm based on the modified upper confidence bound. Moreover, we extend the problem to the case where the workers' costs are also unknown and design the corresponding algorithm. We analyze the regret bounds of the two proposed algorithms. In addition, we also study the unknown worker recruitment problem with fairness constraints. For this problem, we devise a fairness-aware unknown worker recruitment algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms through extensive experimental simulations on real-world traces.

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