
Aims To assess the impact of belumosudil on the cost of care in chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) patients who have failed at least two prior lines of systemic therapy using a budget impact model. Methods A budget impact model with a 5-year time horizon was constructed in Microsoft Excel. The base case model uses the US prevalence rate of 3 L/4L + cGVHD patients from literature and secondary sources, with the potential for user-defined inputs, including model perspectives. The model includes data for two perspectives: the national US population and a hypothetical US private payer health insurance plan with 10 million (Mil) members. Additional model inputs include market share of cGVHD treatments, their associated adverse event rates, and healthcare resource utilization. Results The potential annual budget impact for the US national and payer plans was evaluated for cGVHD patients. Based on belumosudil utilization increasing to 55% in 3 L and 4 L + by 2026, cost savings of ∼5.5% and 6.7% ($128.8 and $4.9 Mil USD) were observed from national and payer perspectives, respectively. Cost savings in 2026 were derived from fewer AEs ($108.4 and $3.9 Mil USD, for national and payer perspectives; e.g. neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia) and reduced HCRU ($65.1 and $2.3 Mil USD, for national and payer perspectives; e.g. emergency room visits, ICU stays, etc.). Limitations Results from the model were dependent on the available data inputs and assumptions. Real-world values may differ from the assumed performance of treatments, market growth, and treatment dosing and duration. Conclusion The model results suggest that the introduction of belumosudil to treat cGVHD would be associated with substantial cost savings when evaluating a scenario with versus without belumosudil from a US payer perspective.

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