
The problem of low reading culture is one of the important issues in understanding the low level of literacy of Indonesian people. In addition to the low interest in reading, students' interest in visiting the library is still low. This can occur due to lack of reading material, then the available reading material does not vary so that it causes students to be lazy to read. So it is necessary to get used to the culture of reading in order to increase interest starting among early childhood. The partner of this activity is the Study Group in the South Tambun area. In the implementation there are five cycles of stages ranging from observation, counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of this activity all cycles involve an active role between the team and partners in developing the reading room corner. The enthusiasm for the existing reading room corner was welcomed with pleasure from teachers, students who felt facilitated and the realization of the reading room corner and the general public in the environment around the partner location.

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