
Agroforestry is a land management system widely applied in forest land utilization by incorporating forestry and agricultural crops. In its management, farmers have their way that is influenced by the local culture and wisdom inherited by their parents. Therefore, this research aims to identify farmers local culture and wisdom in land management with agroforestry patterns. Data retrieval has been conducted in February-March 2021 with case studies in 3 combined farmer groups (Gapoktan), namely Gapoktan Hijau Makmur, Gapoktan Mahardika, and Gapoktan Cempaka which are, in the protected forest management unit (KPHL) Batutegi, Lampung Province. Data collection is conducted with structured interviews and in-depth interviews. In this study it was identified that the way the culture of ngoret influences farmers land management, angin-anginan, nunas, perantingan, and setek on plant maintenance, mutil and ngunduh on harvesting and breeding activities. In addition, this culture also contains wisdom in babat belukar on the preparation of land and nandur on planting. This local wisdom is still applied in a limited way so that it needs to be developed to be widely applied to support forest sustainability in KPHL Batutegi.Key words: Breeding, Crop maintenance, Harvesting, Land preparation, Planting.

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