
Prolification is the formation of any plant organ from other organ, growth and development of which is finished. Prolification is caused with activisation of meristems and concluded in the fact that the shoot, flower or new inflorescence can be developed from the flower. Fasciation phenomena shows very famous and wide spread deformation among the vessel plants in which one can see in abrupt change of normal form of structure of main parts of the vessel plants in which one can see in abrupt change of normal forms of structure of main parts of the plant. In the 19 th century new direction appeared in botany - teratology studying deformation, fasciation and reasons of their appearance. The formulations of Linnaeus and Penzig are considered the most exact in discussing the problem about fasciation. Komarov showed that fasciations have an important practical meaning and may be used in creative new species and sorts of cultural plants. In collection of Botanical garden of FEB RAS and Transbaykalian Botanical Garden supervision for the phenomenon of fasciations, prolification and buds mutations on sorts of garden roses took place. The events of straight fasciation of shoots were found on the next sorts of roses: “Crimson Rambler”, “Henry Morse”, and “Eutin”. Only on the sort “Crimson Rambler” the fasciating shoot was abnormally wide and deformed. Redial fasciation of the flower is resisted on sorts “Aloha”, “Burgund”, and “Dame de Coeur”. Fasciational flowers of that plans were abnormally, deformed and not fruiting. As a result of spontaneous mutation three new sorts of the garden roses were obtained steady to monsoon climate and fungous illness ”Pеrvаya Pоzеmkа”, “Ussurochkа”, and “Аmurskiе Vоlni”. Many years supervision showed that phenomena of fasciation and bud mutation on the roses took plants in different factors of habitat. Those phenomena’s are showed in particular rainy years.

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