
ABSTRACTThe somatic and buccal infraciliature of Lagynus elegans are described, and aspects of its division and conjugation are reported. Its somatic infraciliature is made up of 37–46 meridianal kineties composed of isolated kinetosomes that have thick and long kinetodesmal fibers. In the anterior zone of the cell, the circumoral infraciliature can be observed: it is composed of short, slightly oblique kinetal segments, which are formed of three kinetosomes each. The brosse of this species consists of 3 or 4 groups that possess 4 to 6 ciliated kinetosomes each; these kinetosomes lack kinetodesmal fibers. On the apical pole of the cell, surrounding the oral opening, a crown of nematodesmata is observed; these nematodesmata are connected to each other by a fibrillar structure. Taking into account these features, we propose that this genus be transferred from the order Prostomatida to a new family, Lagynidae, of the order Prorodontida.

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