
Primary school teachers, who carry out teaching services in the first four years of primary schools, graduate by receiving education in the Faculties of Education and can be appointed according to the KPSS exam results. Among the various courses they take during their in-service training are General culture courses and Professional knowledge courses. Before the implementation of the new Primary Teaching Undergraduate programs, Drama courses were one of the compulsory courses and were taught in the third grades 4 hours a week. In addition, there are different courses with the definitions of Drama in science education, Drama in Social studies, Creative drama, Educational drama, which have been opened within the scope of elective courses at different Universities. In Buca Education Faculty, there is an elective “Drama practices in education” course in 4th grade. In this study, which was carried out as a case study, it was examined which techniques and warm-up games the primary school teacher candidates thought to use the most while applying drama in primary schools. The research was carried out with volunteer students in one class in Dokuz Eylül University Buca Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education, Primary Teacher Education Department, where the researcher studied elective drama courses in the spring semester of 2018-2019 academic year (N = 23). In April, students were asked to answer an open-ended question as a composition. When they were appointed to primary schools as a teacher, “Which warm-up games and drama techniques do they consider to prefer?" were asked. They were asked to make five choices. These responses were tabulated by subjecting them to content analysis. According to the findings obtained, pre-service teachers stated that they thought of using the Consciousness corridor (N = 17), Split screen (N = 12), Telephone calls (N = 9) and Gossip ring (N = 9) the most. Other findings and suggestions were included in the study.

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