
Two problem-solving methods are compared in this paper: BTIPS (Brief Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Isobratitielskich Zadatsh). BTIPS was derived from TRIZ and TIPS (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). BTIPS is shorter than TRIZ as a procedure but at the same time is enriched in its contents. The general search for the Ideal Solution using BTIPS is simple and straight-forward. In BTIPS some new principles, features, effects and system components — that do not exist in TRIZ and TIPS — have been introduced. BTIPS also recommends the Axiomatic Design tests for the End Solution. This paper compares the two systems on the basis of opinions gathered through teaching and consulting practice. The application of the BTIPS method starts with a problem that has to be properly separated from the environment. The problem-solving approach presented in this paper includes a sequence of steps, definition of contradictions, a choice of solution modules, algorithms, and definitions of designed systems and subsystems. Recommendations for the proper search for the End Solution are given. The tests of an Ideal Solution’s effectiveness and economy are also suggested. Application examples and references to problem-solving practice are also given.

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