
The science of BS If you’ve ever played the card game “Cheat” or “I doubt it,” you’ve participated in the glorious tradition of bulls---, or BS, as the game is also called. Though occasionally a fun game, BS, it turns out, is also an important part of human communication ( Evol. Psychol . 2021, DOI: 10.1177/14747049211000317 ). As a technical term, BS is defined as nonsense speech of questionable veracity that is intended to mislead. According to a team led by psychology graduate students Martin Harry Turpin of the University of Waterloo and Mane Kara-Yakoubian of Ryerson University, the ability to effectively produce BS “may serve to assist individuals in negotiating their social world.” The researchers also note that the successful production of verbiage akin to bovine feces is a strategy for impressing others and signaling one’s own intelligence. Though it’s worth noting that having an inability to BS does

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