
During a pandemic like today, new habits have emerged in society, one of which is conducting financial transactions. The presence of Bank Syariah Indonesia is expected to have the financial and technological capabilities to meet customer needs following sharia principles and reach the currently unspoiled sharia market by creating an Islamic ecosystem and becoming one of the centers of sharia economy and finance in the world. The BSI Mobile application is the right solution with ease for benefits such as paying infaq, alms, and hajj savings deposits, to opening an account online. In this study, the superiority of the BSI Mobile feature as a spiritual, financial, and social friend following the main target of Islamic banks in Indonesia is Muslims, then the potential of the Islamic banking market in Indonesia is very large. This study uses a sample of 308 prospective customer respondents. Analysis using SEM and based on PLS (Partial Least Square) shows that innovation and bank reputation have a significant effect on attitudes and intentions to adopt BSI Mobile, except for bank reputation on attitudes which are moderated by religiosity. This study can provide input to Bank Syariah Indonesia to improve mobile banking services amidst the development of digital banking technology and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

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