
A check-list of the bryophytes of Giresun province is provided in this study. A total of 252 taxa have been recorded including of 235 taxa (consisting 105 genera) of mosses and 17 taxa (consisting 15 genera) of liverworts. The moss genera including t he largest number of taxa are Grimmia (11), Didymodon (9), Ptychostomum (8), Brachythecium (6), Bryum (6), Dicranum (6), Schistidium (6), Sphagnum (6), Syntrichia (6), Orthotrichum (6), Mnium (5), Plagiomnium (5), Racomitrium (5) and Tortella (5). Besides, Lophocolea (2) and Pellia (2) are the richest in species number in liverworts . The checklist is given in alphabetical order.

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