
A smooth end of a Bryant surface is a conformally immersed punctured disc of mean curvature 1 in hyperbolic space that extends smoothly through the ideal boundary. The Bryant representation of a smooth end is well defined on the punctured disc and has a pole at the puncture. The Willmore energy of compact Bryant surfaces with smooth ends is quantized. It equals 4π times the total pole order of its Bryant representation. The possible Willmore energies of Bryant spheres with smooth ends are 4π(N∗ {2, 3, 5, 7}). Bryant spheres with smooth ends are examples of soliton spheres, a class of rational conformal immersions of the sphere which also includes Willmore spheres in the conformal 3-sphere S3. We give explicit examples of Bryant spheres with an arbitrary number of smooth ends. We conclude the paper by showing that Bryant’s quartic differential Q vanishes identically for a compact surface in S3 if and only if it is the compactification of either a complete finite total curvature Euclidean minimal surface with planar ends or a compact Bryant surface with smooth ends.

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