
Objectives: The purpose of this empirical research paper is to study the impact of night shift on the Leisure Time, Social Relationship and Social Commitment of employees working in the call center industry at Chennai. The paper aims to highlight the relationship between night shift and leisure time, social relationship and social commitment. Methods/ Analysis: The target sample size for the study is 190, but the legitimate samples were 168 and these were found to be valid for the study. In this study, the independent variables used are Night Shift Schedule and Night shift Challenges whereas the dependent variables are Leisure Time, Social Relationship and Social Commitment. CFA was run and the convergent validity as well as discriminant validity was found to be reliable and valid. Amos using SEM was used to bring out the relationship between variables. Findings: The SEM Model was found to be fit with all recommended values as per the requirements ensuring that there exists a relationship between night shift schedule and night shift challenges on the Leisure Time, Social relationship and Social commitment of the employees. Application/Improvement: This study is a path way for the organizations working in shift work to understand that Leisure time, Social relationship and Social commitment is an important part of an employee’s life. This study is a trend setter for future studies as there are very few articles on the impact of night shift on the social life of the employees.

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