
Bridge builder between generations: Koos Roets’s cooperation network in the Afrikaans film industry. Koos Roets’s contribution to the Afrikaans film industry is widely recognised. Nevertheless, very little has been published specifically about his role in the Afrikaans film industry, although many studies exist about his collaborators such as Jans Rautenbach and Katinka Heyns. This article investigates Roets’s collaboration network by means of a network analysis, and identifies the persons with whom he collaborated the most, indicating his varied roles on different films. It is also indicated that he not only is and was an important role-player in his own right in this industry, but has also collaborated with many other important role-players in the Afrikaans film industry. He has contributed to Afrikaans films in collaboration with more than a 1000 persons throughout his career of nearly six decades. The directors, producers, sound operators, actors and crew with whom he has collaborated the most are highlighted, and the films on which they worked together are mentioned.


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  • Very little has been published about his role in the Afrikaans film industry, many studies exist about his collaborators such as Jans Rautenbach and Katinka Heyns

  • Alhoewel daar verskeie studies van ander belangrike rolspelers in die Afrikaanse filmbedryf bestaan soos Katinka Heyns (Botha 2015; Marx 2014; Nel 2003), Jamie Uys (Senekal & Stemmet 2014; Stemmet 2015), Pierre de Wet (Senekal 2014a) en Jans Rautenbach (Botha 2006; Jansen van Vuuren 2016), is daar nog nie ’n studie oor Koos Roets self onderneem nie

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Original Research

Brugbouer tussen generasies: Koos Roets se samewerkingsnetwerk in die Afrikaanse filmbedryf. Botha & Van Aswegen 1991; Van Nierop 2016) is dit duidelik dat Roets se bydrae tot die Afrikaanse filmbedryf hoog aangeslaan word. Botha en Van Aswegen (1991:73) noem ’n paar rolprentvervaardigers wat die Suid-Afrikaanse filmbedryf gedurende 1960 tot 1980 oorheers het, insluitende Elmo de Witt, Dirk de Villiers, Bertrand Retief, Franz Marx, Koos Roets, Daan Retief, Ivan Hall, Manie van Rensburg, Jans Rautenbach, Emil Nofal, Jan Scholtz, Tommie Meyer, Jamie Uys en Ross Devenish. Nie alleen verskyn Roets se naam op hulle lys nie, maar deur sy bykans 60 jaar lange loopbaan in die Afrikaanse filmbedryf het Roets ook saam met van die belangrikste persone in hierdie bedryf gewerk, onder andere Elmo de Witt, Pierre de Wet, Katinka Heyns, Jans Rautenbach, Dirk de Villiers, Franz Marx, Jamie Uys en Emil Nofal. Jans Rautenbach het haar die kans gegee om as produksiebestuurder, stelinkleder, redigeerder en hulpregisseur op te tree. (bl. 3)

Open Access
Die datastel
Koos Roets se loopbaan in die Afrikaanse filmbedryf
Tegniese regisseur
Siegfried Mynhardt
Die ontwikkeling van Koos Roets se samewerkingsnetwerk
Mededingende belange
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