
One bus rapid transit (BRT) station usually includes several berths. Dwell time of BRT vehicles in one berth is the interval between opening the door to closing the door. It is one of the key components of BRT stop time in a station area, which consists of open and close time and boarding time. It is important and significant for both travel time prediction and BRT intersection control to research berth dwell time. Up to now, most dwell time models were presented by European and American scholars based on regular buses. These models described dwell time as a linear combination of the number of boarding passengers and alighting passengers. This paper will research berth dwell time in high passenger demand. Firstly, Urumqi BRT car survey data were analyzed. Then a two-layer statistical analysis was used to explore the relationship between berth dwell time and its influencing factors. The berth dwell time model presented was the function of the number of boarding and alighting passengers, passengers on vehicles, collinear lines and the door situations. According to the expression, there are several meaningful conclusions: (1) the relationship between berth dwell time and boarding and alighting passengers is non-linear; (2) the order of incidence degree of berth dwell time are boarding passengers, alighting passengers, passengers on vehicles, collinear lines, combining factors of boarding and alighting passengers and the key door (which is the latest closing door); and, (3) the collinear factor only works while the number of boarding passengers is less than a certain size.

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