
After an initial 2010 stratigraphic, depositional environment and facies determination study of 75 wells in the Browse Basin, TGS has pushed this high-resolution project north into the Bonaparte Basin area. The study incorporates a further 165 wells located across the Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin, Londonderry High, Malita and Calder Grabens, Sahul and Flamingo synclines, Laminara and Flamingo highs, Sahul Platform, Troubadour Terrace, and offshore Petrel Sub-basin areas. This multi-basin project has combined all the selected relevant public data into one interpretation study and is delivered in an integrated environment—wells are standardised and sequences interpreted. Once depositional environment and facies are allocated, multi-element maps are produced showing how the basin environments change through time and structural evolution. Stratigraphic interpretation has determined 37 sequences and 32 associated facies maps. Both Browse Basin (140,000 km2) and Bonaparte Basin (270,000 km2) are relatively less explored and at different ages in their exploration life-cycle. Both have proved to be oil and gas bearing across numerous different stratigraphic ages with a wide range of trapping and reservoir methods. This study aims to further aid North West Shelf exploration by delineating, among other facets, the presence or otherwise of rocks with reservoir and seal potential and by identifying structural elements such as the Petrel Sub-basin salt diapirs. This regional well data stratigraphic approach has been used across all the UK and Norway continental shelf hydrocarbon provinces. TGS sees the Australian North West Shelf as a province where this approach will further assist sub-surface understanding, and hence exploration success.

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