
43-year-old male, with tumor in the anterior region of the right lower limb (figure 1) and biopsy compatible with brown tumor. He presented total serum calcium 12.3 mg/dl and 13 mg/dl (NR: 8.3-10.3), parathormone (PTH) 1057 pg/ml (NR 15-65). With the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism, a 99mTc-MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy with SPECT was requested, which showed hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue in the projection of the left inferior parathyroid gland. Hand radiographs showed a lytic lesion in punch in the distal phalanx of the first finger of the left hand (figure 2); in the clavicle radiograph: lytic lesion of 10 mm x 8 mm in the right clavicle, no alterations were evidenced in the skull radiograph.

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