
Goal. To identify the main ways of getting into the country of invasive species brown marble bug Halyomorpha halys Stål.
 Methods. Analytical study of information messages to the European and Mediterranean organization of plant protection (of ESR) and data of phytosanitary services of the EU, literary and Internet resources.
 Results. Provides information on new economically important species Halyomorpha halys Stål., which is rapidly spreading in Europe. In Ukraine, the marble bug has the status of a quarantine, but there is a risk of further spread. His first appearance on the territory of our country has registered in 2018 Threat of invasive species, a polyphage, which causes significant damage to agricultural, forest and decorative cultures. Pest can cause damage to fruit, berry crops, vineyards, beans, soy, corn, and weeds. The list of host plants includes over 300 species of plants from 49 families, however, the preference for Halyomorpha halys gives the members of the family Rosacea. Danger of falling of the pest in Ukraine of the European countries of planting material, plant products, wood packaging materials, Luggage etc. The absence of natural enemies promotes the active dispersal of the pest. The focus should be directed on the study of natural brown marble bug. The rapid spread of Halyomorpha halys in the EU countries is of great concern to scientists. The experience of foreign scientists shows that effectively regulates its abundance parasitoid Trissolcus japonicas (Ashmead) and entomoparasitic fungus Beauveria bassiana.
 Conclusions. There is an active resettlement of the pest in Europe. There is a risk of introduction and spread of the species Halyomorpha halys Stål, is a threat to the country.


  • Halyomorpha halys Stål o äîñèòü íåáåçïå÷íèì øê3äíèêîì, à òîìó â äåÿêèõ êðà¿íàõ éîãî çàíåñåíî äî ñïèñêó À-1 3 o êàðàíòèííèì

  • Çàãàëüíà ïëîäþ÷3ñòü ñàìèöü — äî 250—300 ÿoöü [8]. ×åðåç 20—25 äí3â ï3ñëÿ â3äðîäæåííÿ í3ìôè ïðîõîäÿòü 5 ëè÷èíêîâèõ â3ê3â (35—45 äí3â), çì3íþþ÷è ïðè öüîìó ñâ3é êîë3ð ç ÷åðâîíî-ïîìàðàí÷åâîãî äî ÷îðíî-êîðè÷íåâîãî, êîðè÷íåâîãî òà á3ëîãî, ùî äóæå óñêëàäíþo ¿õíþ 3äåíòèô3êàö3þ

  •  åêñïåðèìåíòàõ äîñë3äíèê3â ÑØÀ åôåêòèâíèì ïðîòè ëè÷èíîê òà 3ìàãî êîðè÷íåâî-ìàðìóðîâîãî êëîïà o âèêîðèñòàííÿ åíòîìîïàðàçèòè÷íîãî ãðèáà Beauveria bassiana òà ïàðàçèòî¿äà Trissolcus japonicas (Ashmead)

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Halyomorpha halys Stål o äîñèòü íåáåçïå÷íèì øê3äíèêîì, à òîìó â äåÿêèõ êðà¿íàõ éîãî çàíåñåíî äî ñïèñêó À-1 3 o êàðàíòèííèì. Êîðè÷íåâî-ìàðìóðîâèé êëîï (Halyomorpha halys Stål) o ïðåäñòàâíèêîì ðîäèíè êëîï3â-ùèòíèê3â Pentatomidae òà îòðèìàâ ñâîþ íàçâó çà îðèã3íàëüíå çàáàðâëåííÿ. Êîìàõà êîðè÷íåâîãî êîëüîðó, ñïèíêà 3 ãîëîâà ìàþòü íåçâè÷àéíå «âêðàïëåííÿ», ùî â3çóàëüíî ñòâîðþo ìàðìóðîâèé â3äò3íîê. Áàòüê3âùèíîþ êëîïà o êðà¿íè Ï3âäåííî-Ñõ3äíî¿ Àç3¿: Êèòàé, ßïîí3ÿ, Òàéâàíü, Â’oòíàì [7]. Çãîäîì Halyomorpha halys Stål âèÿâèëè â êðà¿íàõ: Í3ìå÷÷èíà, Ôðàíö3ÿ, 2òàë3ÿ, Ãðåö3ÿ, Óãîðùèíà, Ðóìóí3ÿ, Àâñòð3ÿ, Ñåðá3ÿ, 2ñïàí3ÿ, Ñëîâàê3ÿ, Òóðå÷÷èíà, Àáõàç3ÿ, Ãðóç3ÿ, Ðîñ3ÿ, Êàçàõñòàí òà 3íø3 [2, 10, 11, 13].

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