
In many bird species, females undergo a marked decline in body condition during the first days of the nestling period. This decline may be because brooding young chicks reduces the time available for foraging. Alternatively, it might be viewed as an adaptive way to reduce flight costs when the food demand of the brood is highest. To test these hypotheses we modified the brooding commitment of House Sparrows Passer domesticus by manipulating brood size to see if changes in time spent brooding affects adult body condition. During the nestling period, females provided on average three times as much brooding as males. Reduced broods received 14% more brooding than large broods and time spent brooding declined with brood size and chick age according to an exponential decay function. Male body condition was unaffected by brood size and remained stable throughout the reproductive period. Body condition of females with enlarged broods decreased gradually during the nestling period, whereas that of females tending reduced broods dropped abruptly and significantly upon hatching. This resulted in females with reduced broods having lower body condition during the first half of the nestling period than those with enlarged broods. The sharp drop in body condition of females with reduced broods coincided with the period that brooding was most intensive. Indeed, female body condition at the end of the nestling period was negatively correlated with the proportion of time they spent brooding during the first half of the nestling period. Thus, the probable lower homeothermic capacities of reduced broods implies a higher brooding commitment for female House Sparrows that, in turn, may reduce their opportunity to forage and consequently also their body condition.

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