
Abstract 1. Conspicuousness to mates can bring benefits to both males (increased mating success) and females (reduced search costs), but also brings costs (e.g. increased predation and parasitism). Assassin bugs, Rhinocoris tristis, lay egg clutches either on exposed stems or hidden under leaves. Males guard eggs against parasitoids. Guarding males are attractive to females who add subsequent clutches to the brood. This is an excellent opportunity to study the effects of conspicuousness on the fitness of males and females.2. Using viable eggs in a multi‐clutch brood as a correlate of fitness, the present study examined whether laying eggs on stems affected (1) female fitness, through exposure to parasitism and cannibalism, and (2) male fitness, through attracting further females.3. Stem broods were more parasitised. However, males on stems accumulated more mates and more eggs, a net benefit even accounting for parasitism. The eggs gained from being on a stem were cannibalised. By contrast, higher mortality on stems suggests that females should gain by ovipositing on leaves. To the extent that egg viability represents fitness, male and female interests may therefore differ. This suggests a potential for sexual conflict that may affect other species with male care.4. Despite higher costs, females actually initiated more broods, and subsequently added bigger clutches to broods, on stems than under leaves. This suggests either that viable eggs do not reflect fitness, or that females laid in unfavourable locations. The key is now to address lifetime fitness, since unmeasured factors may affect offspring viability post‐hatching, and to investigate who controls the location of oviposition in R. tristis.

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