
Brood attendance by adults in the globally threatened Marbled TealMarmaronetta angustirostris was studied in the field in Spain and Turkey. In seven broods, only one adult (thought to be the female) was seen attending. Two adults were in attendance for 10 broods, amongst which all age classes were represented. These were confirmed to be a male and a female in four broods observed at close range. When these four broods were disturbed, the female led the ducklings into emergent cover whilst the male remained close to the human observer, flying around or past him repeatedly and giving conspicuous alarm calls. This may be a form of paternal care (guarding or warning behaviour) as it was never observed in males not accompanying broods. Paternal brood attendance and care has not been reported in other Aythyini (pochards), but Marbled Teal have monochromatic plumage and other features associated with paternal brood attendance and care in Anatini (dabbling ducks).

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