
<b>Diagnosis: Bowen's Disease of the Penis: Response to Grenz Ray Therapy.</b>Presented byDr. Earle W. BrauerandDr. M. Gelfard(by invitation). A Negro man, now aged 71, was first seen two years ago, at which time he presented an ulcerated and indurated lesion on the penis of eight months' duration. A biopsy specimen at that time showed no evidence of a malignancy. A second biopsy specimen taken two months later was read as "psoriasiform dermatitis." Dark-field studies on the penile lesion were consistently negative, as were also serologic tests for syphilis. A search for Donovan bodies produced doubtful findings. The Frei skin test was positive. Despite various topical medicaments and systemic antibiotic agents of every type, the lesion failed to respond. A review of the previous biopsy specimens was then made and intraepidermal epithelioma was revealed. During the next month, the patient received 6,500 r of

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